Previous fetus/child with a congenital, genetic, or chromosomal abnormality
Known or suspected fetal anomaly or growth disorder in current pregnancy
Fetus at increased risk for a congenital anomaly, such as the following:
Maternal pre-gestational diabetes, or gestational diabetes diagnosed before 24 weeks’ gestation
Pregnancy conceived via assisted reproductive technology
High maternal body mass index
Multiple gestations
Abnormal maternal serum analytes, including a-fetoprotein level and unconjugated estriol
Teratogen exposure
First-trimester nuchal translucency measurement of 3.0 mm or greater
Fetus at increased risk for a genetic or chromosomal abnormality, such as the following:
Parental carrier of a chromosomal or genetic abnormality
Maternal age of 35 years or older at time of delivery
Positive aneuploidy test, including non-invasive prenatal testing
Soft marker for aneuploidy on ultrasound
Other conditions affecting the fetus, including the following:
Congenital infections
Maternal drug dependence
Alloimmunization or Isoimmunization
Oligohydramnios or Polyhydramnios
Suspected placenta PAC or risk factors for PAS such as placenta previa in the third trimester or a placenta overlying a prior Cesarean scar site